Men & Women Bible Study
Men and Women are invited to join us every Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:00 P.M.
Wednesday Night Meal
Wednesday Night Supper
Supper is provided as a convenience to friends, family, and friendship building. Each week a different taste selection is chosen that will tickle your taste buds and prepare you for a feast upon God's word. ( Cost: Freewill offering to cover expenses)
Pot Luck Supper
On months that have 5 weeks, we have a Pot Luck Dinner on the 5th Wednesday of the month. Bring your favorite dish or side to share.
For more information contact the office at:
8 Week Bible Study
Surrendering the Secret
Surrendering the Secret is a bible study designed to bring women together who understand the need for seeking peace with the past and desire a better understanding of God's plan for making the most painful losses of our past work for his glory.
Our mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have an abortion in your past, then join us in Surrendering the Secret by contacting our facilitator: